Sunday, April 11, 2010

Wow, I haven't been here in a while! I log on to check the other blogs I follow, then I just get lazy:( boo! I found out I was off by a week with my prep. I am 10 weeks out from Jr. Nats, not 11 like I was thinking. I don't know how I mixed that up, I not that low on carbs:D So, it has been 6 weeks of dieting and my weight hasn't gone down as much as I would like it to. We did add a little more cardio in and dropped my calories a bit. Hopefully that will do the trick! I'm not making any promises anymore on the progress pics. Who knows if/when that will happen. I'll still keep telling myself I'll do it though. I did start putting extra stones on my suit. I need to get some more though because I'm running low. I'm thinking I might check eBay for them. I hear the prices are better. I saw someone on selling their suit (which is the EXACT same one I have) for $50 bucks more than they paid for it! They say they've never worn it, but come on! I think that's terrible. But, I see that it's not sold yet so maybe other people realize that this person is trying to squeeze out some extra buckage.

I've been trying different recipes to spice up the dieting and some are not working out so good. I wish I hadn't wasted my ON blueberry sample. Funny thing is, the more I nuked it, the more liquidy (is that a word) it got...

This, however, did turn out good. It's just an protein, oatmeal pancake with pb on it but it was yummy!

I don't really know what I'm calling this dish yet, but it's cooked coleslaw with chicken (or turkey), brown rice, and garlic olive oil! This one is really good!! I think I should lay off the coleslaw a bit though, too much makes me bloated = not fun.

Okay, enough food I'm hungry now! It's Sunday morning and I have been up since about 5:30am! I just couldn't sleep anymore. I think it's time to finally eat breakfast. I didn't want to start my meals too early and be starving later today. I'm still fighting a sinus thing, maybe that's why sleeping wasn't going so well. I think I'm going to go to the doctor tomorrow and see what drugs they can give me:-)



Becca said...

YUM!! I make a dish very similar to that with the coleslaw! I am loving it.
Thanks for the heads up on blueberry ON whey. It sounds good, but the fake blue color kinda creeps me out. lol.

Just less than 10 weeks to go! Let's do it sista!

Anonymous said...

Hey Amanda! I'm sure you look awesome! So post them pics, LOL!

I hope your sinus stuff clears up soon, there has been a nasty sinus infection going around our gym, so far I've been good, but I'm still scared I might get it!!

Are you going to be handing out trophies at the Grand Rapids show? It's coming up WAY too fast, I'm NOT ready!

amanda103 said...

Yeah, the blue color....not good. But it smelled yummy! Wish I could have eaten some:(

Hey Abby!
I don't think I have the nerve yet to post pics. How 'bout this.....I'll show you mine if you show me yours! hehe!

Nobody has contacted me about the Grand Rapids show, so I'm guessing I will not be handing anything out. It would be fun though! Maybe they're waiting to surprise me?? lol You'll be ready! You been there, done problem!