Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Music to Move to

Just wanted to share...

You can also subscribe for free on iTunes. (it's great for cardio!)

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Good morning bloggerland! Well, almost afternoon:) I've been wanting to post some pics (of anything!) with my posts, but there hasn't been anything really photo worthy. I have been eating really good and getting some good workouts in lately. I am feeling pretty good! I hope that I may finally reach my happy off-season place this summer:) After about 4 years of competing and gaining too much weight afterwards (too much for me) I am almost at the place where I am keeping that weight gain under control. Yay! Wish I would've gotten with the program earlier, but woulda, coulda, shoulda....can't do anything about that now.

Just wanted to pop in and say HI! I hope everyone is enjoying the nice weather we've finally been getting! It was kinda cool here the past couple days but today looks really nice. We went from winter, to scorching, to cooling off. I wish it would just stay moderate. Like where you can either wear jeans or shorts. Not too hot, not too cold:)

I actually have quite a busy week, so I can't make any promises on when I'll be back. (like you haven't all heard that before!) At least next time I'm here I'll have some things to talk about though!

Have a great Monday everybody!!