Well, I am not keeping up with my posting like I had hoped but things have been busy (what's new right?). This past weekend was the Olympia and I was really bummed that the webcast wasn't working for me:( I finally got a link that worked right as they were announcing the 202 winners. So it wasn't a total bust. I was really rooting for Nicole Wilkins-Lee to take the title again (gotta shout out for the MI girls!), but Erin Stern was just a tough package to beat. This year was the first Bikini Olympia and I think all the girls looked great! I'm not really sure of the exact look that the judges are looking for for bikini, but this should at least set the standard for next season. It took figure a while to really get into it's own, so I'm sure we still see some different physique's being rewarded in the bikini division for a little while more.
I have been doing more cardio lately. Which is a change from my other off season's when I didn't do any;) I'm not eating too badly, I just wish I could get down a few more lb's than I'm at now. We'll see how it works out!
I recently joined the team at Fitness 19 in Clinton Twp. as a personal trainer. So if you're in the area stop on by and come say hi! My schedule is pretty flexible, but I really hope to build enough clientele to get myself into something more structured. I'm prepping 1 client for the last local show of the season, which is 4 weeks from this Saturday. I'm really excited to see how she does. She's coming in great and as long as she sticks to the plan, I know she's gonna do very well!
The weather is getting colder out, and lately a lot wetter:( poo! I'm not really a fall person. Even though this summer was a scorcher, I prefer it over the cold. I only really like Spring because Summer is right after:) If we didn't have so much family here, I would seriously argue moving to a warmer climate state!
Well, off to go prep my food for tomorrow. Gotta be at the gym early tomorrow to train! Just wanted to pop in and say hi! And let you all know that I'm still breathing;)
Nighty night!